How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends – Tốc Chiến Guide Fri, 15 Sep 2023 08:58:37 +0000 vi hourly 1 How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends – Tốc Chiến Guide 32 32 How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends: 6 ways Fri, 15 Sep 2023 08:57:49 +0000 How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends: 6 ways by The typical League of Legends player hits the Rift hundreds of times incorrectly. Even if it’s impossible to have the ideal game, sometimes we make blunders that completely ruin the situation and make it difficult for us to recover.

1. You Play Random Champions

You Play Random Champions – How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends. First off, playing champions at random or champions with whom they lack much ranked expertise is a common error made by players. This is a significant problem for many players, and if you play against someone who is using their main champion, you frequently get utterly destroyed in your lane. 

You Play Random Champions

You Play Random Champions

Make sure to only play champions you are extremely familiar with for the best climbing and to lessen your tension in-game. Instead of simultaneously understanding the mechanics of a champion, this will let you to concentrate on the status of your own game. – How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends

2. Not Countering Your Opponent

Not Countering Your Opponent – How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends. Each of us in the League has a favorite champion. We see this difference in the champion selections from all around the world. Some of us like tanks, some of us like fighters, and some gamers want heroes that shoot the opposition. Because of this, before securing your champion, you must consider who the adversary is using.

Some League champions are difficult to counter with certain champions or champion types. Zyra, for example, has trouble against long-range and poke champions. Zyra should not be chosen over champions like Vel’Koz or Xerath. Similar to Cassiopeia, Sylas faces tough opposition!

Check the champions you’re laning against and the champions the opposing team has at all times. Avoid using a character like Kog’Maw against an opposition team that is heavily populated with assassins.

3. Not Hitting Level 2 First

Not Hitting Level 2 First – How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends. For most League of Legends heroes, the level 2 power spike is a key increase. This is frequently crucial in the bottom and middle lanes. However, it is required everywhere. You have a lot of opportunity for playmaking by reaching level 2 first.

For instance, a Lucian Alistar lane has a potent level 2 all-in and can execute an aggressive play to get a kill or blow opponent summoner spells by taking advantage of the level advantage. You won’t be using your champion to its best potential if you don’t reach level 2 quickly.

On the other side, perhaps the foe possesses the level 2 that is more powerful. Talon’s level 2 is powerful, as an illustration. It’s a good idea to reach level 2 before or at the same time as the adversary if you want to stop them or at least have a chance of trading back with them.

4. Poor Optimization – How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends

Poor Optimization – How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends. In League, things are frequently added, altered, revised, and removed. You must be aware of the most recent and effective builds for your champion in order to construct items that will be useful to you.

Poor Optimization - How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends

Poor Optimization – How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends

You will find it more difficult to win games if you build items in the improper order or equipment that don’t necessarily assist your champion too much because you will deal less damage or be more vulnerable to being killed. You’ll also be shocked at how many people construct arbitrary things or fail to comprehend the function of each one.

5. You Stack Wards

Let’s keep it brief and to the point. As the game progresses, you acquire free wards, which are crucial in League of Legends. Make sure you always have a ward in place on the map and that you never stack wards. You are missing out on free vision that could save your life if you just have two items in your inventory.

You may delay a ward or briefly make your trinket available, but you should never sit on two wards at once. In lower ranks, people frequently make mistakes like this because they don’t take advantage of the free resources Riot provides for them.

6. Positioning in Lane

Many gamers make positioning mistakes since it’s so simple to go on autopilot and make a mistake that will cost you a lot of health or cause you to lose your life. Although placement can be challenging, the following advice will assist you. How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends.

It’s crucial that you always remain behind a minion (ideally many minions) when laning against a champion wielding a hook spell, such as Bltizcrank or Thresh, to prevent them from landing their hook on you.

Positioning in Lane

Positioning in Lane

Standing behind minions also works well versus non-CC abilities like Dr. Mundo Q and Zeri’s W (pulse form). Even while this damage isn’t much in the beginning of the game, it could add up with time. If you’re a champion like Neeko, your clone can even help you block this damage. How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends.

You will need to rely solely on dodging in these situations because some champions, like Soraka, have abilities that cannot be stopped by minions or other champions.


How to avoid common mistakes in League of Legends. That pretty much sums up our essay on typical errors that League of Legends players make. We’ll assist you in resolving your mistakes if you let us know which ones you make frequently in the comments section below. Gratitude for reading! Keep an eye out for more fantastic League material from our pals at ONE Esports.

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